WWE RAW Results (10/15) – Eve Defends Title, Barrett vs Sheamus, Punk’s New Opponent Is Determined

Vince McMahon hangs up from a phone call to talk to John Cena, and he says Cena got the doctor's opinion but he wants to know what Cena thinks. Cena says he's not a doctor but he belongs in the ring, and he thinks someone told Vince not to go to the ring last week. He says Vince should consider him because he has felt better, but he has also felt much worse. Cena says he wants to get the title shot because he belongs in the ring, and Vince tells him he will take that into consideration when he makes his choice.

Divas Championship

Layla vs Eve Torres (c)

Layla ties up with Eve and backs her into the ropes, then Eve kicks her in the stomach and takes her down with a side headlock. Layla makes it to her feet so Eve knees her in the midsection, then she applies an elevated armbar but Layla kicks her way out. She puts Eve in an armbar but Eve shoves her and sends her to the floor, then she follows her outside and throws her into the apron. Eve rolls her in and gets a near fall, then she kicks her in the chest and gets another near fall.

Eve puts her in a legscissors headlock, then she slams Layla's head on the mat before using the ropes to choke her. Layla kicks her after a ref break and gets a near fall, then she connects with a facebuster and a springboard crossbody for another near fall. Eve shoves her in the corner and punches her a few times, then Layla kicks her and goes up top but Eve takes her knee out with a spin kick. Layla falls face first on the mat and Eve rolls her up, and eventhough Layla gets her foot on the ropes the ref misses it and makes the three count.

Winner – Eve Torres