WWE RAW Results (10/22) – AJ Fired & Replacement Named, Gabriel Gets Upset Win, Punk vs Sheamus Lumberjack Match

WWE RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
October 22nd 2012

Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals
Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs Team Rhodes Scholars

Cara kicks Cody in the legs then goes for a handspring elbow, but Cody moves away so he connects with a spinning headscissors takedown instead. Rey tags in and kicks Cody in the chest, then he sends him into the ropes but Cody drops down and punches him in the face. Sandow comes in and tries to suplex Rey, but Rey floats over and surprises him with some elbow shots. Rey sets up a 619 but Cody pulls him out of the way, then Cara jumps off the apron and hits a suicide dive while Rey hits a seated senton. Rey brings Sandow back in the ring and hangs him on the ropes, then Cara tags in and connects with a springboard moonsault splash.

Sandow gets up and shoves Cara off the ropes, then Cody tags in and punches Cara a few times before sending him into the corner and tagging back out. Sandow stomps Cara in the corner and returns the tag, then they continue to use quick tags until Sandow hits a snap suplex and a kneedrop. Cody gets in and kicks Cara in the stomach, then he taunts the crowd and Cara kicks him in the stomach and tries to crawl towards his corner. Cody punches him in the back but Cara comes back with an enziguiri, then both men crawl towards their corners as the ref makes a count. We get back from a break to see Cody knee Cara in the face, then Sandow hits a side Russian legsweep and the Elbow of Disdain. Rey breaks up the pinfall but Cody takes Cara to the turnbuckles, then Cara counters with a tornado DDT and dives to finally make the tag.

Rey sends Sandow outside and takes Cody down with a spinning headscissors, then he catches him with a drop toe hold and hits a moonsault for a near fall. He kicks Cody into the ropes and trips up Sandow next to him, then he hits both of them with a 619 and hits Cody with a top rope splash. Sandow dives over and breaks up the pin, then Rey dropkicks him out to the floor, but Cody surprises Rey with Cross Rhodes and makes the cover. Team Hell No appears on the Titantron and congratulates Sandow and Cody, then they say 'Hell No' if they think the Scholars are winning this Sunday. Kane says he wants to do a magic trick, then he grabs Bryan's beard and makes him disappear behind him before setting off his pyro in the ring.

Winners – Team Rhodes Scholars


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