*Spoilers:* Complete WWE Smackdown Results For Tonight

WWE SmackdownThanks to Wrestlezone reader David G. for the following results from Providence, Rhode Island.

– Smackdown opens with Randy Orton in the ring talking about Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio comes out to confron The Viper, begins to argue with him, and out comes Wade Barrett. He attacks Orton from behind and runs off. Teddy Long then announces Orton vs. Barrett for later tonight.

1. Kane defeated Cody Rhodes. Both of their tag partners were at ringside for the match on commentary. This was a well received match from the crowd, as Kane would win with a Chokeslam.

2. The Miz defeated Yoshi Tatsu. This was a squash match, with The Miz finishing off Tatsu with a Skull Crushing Finale.