TNA Turning Point

TNA Turning Point 2012 Results – Aries/Hardy Go to War, EY Returns, Titles on the Line & More!

Jeremey Borash is with ODB backstage, and she says she’s not sure if the match is actually going to take place because she hasn’t seen Eric Young in weeks. EY makes his TNA return! He says he knows it’s been awhile, but a shark ate his phone and he hasn’t been able to call. The two of them make out as Borash tries to remind the couple about the mixed tag team match. 

ODB & Eric Young vs. Tara & Jesse

Young, as per usual, locks up with everyone he sees as the Impact Zone welcomes him back. The bell rings and ODB wants Jesse. He reluctantly gets in, but turns to kiss Tara, only to get caught with the schoolgirl. He kicks out, but ODB takes him back to the faces corner and Young gets the tag! 

Aside: Taryn Tarrell looks FANTATIC, by the way…

EY locks up with Jesse and completely outclasses him. ODB comes back in and hits the Bronco Buster in the corner. Young enters the ring and fake knocks himself out, hoping to get the Bronco Buster from his wife. Tara attacks ODB from behind and the heels take control again. Jesse gets a two-count following a powerslam, and stomps away at the limbs of his opponent. Young floats over a back suplex attempt, but runs right into another snap powerslam for two. Tara gets the tag and the “power couple” hits a double Russian legsweep. They are really trying to keep the male-on-female action to a minimum here when it comes to Tara, and Jesse is yet again tagged into the match. 

Eric Young lands a big, hard right hand to Jesse’s jaw, and the two collide in a mutual clothesline attempt. ODB starts drinking from her flask and is calling for the tag on the outside. EY is still down, so she spits “whisky” into Jesse’s face and EY makes the hot tag to ODB! Tara also gets tagged in, and ODB takes her down with ease. Running shoulder blocks hit three times, followed by the BAM cutter. Tara rolls out of the ring and leaves Jesse to the mercy of ODB and Eric Young. Young makes the tag and takes off his shorts, and hits a beautiful flying elbow drop from the top rope. 1…2…3. 

Winners: ODB & Young

The announce team takes a look back at the Aces & Eights assault on Sting from Impact Wrestling. The cameras cut to the back where James Storm is with Jeremey Borash. He talks about redemption and winning the match, and going on to be the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Sorry about…somebody’s damn luck. 


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