TNA Turning Point

TNA Turning Point 2012 Results – Aries/Hardy Go to War, EY Returns, Titles on the Line & More!

TNA X-Division Championship

Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Joey Ryan

The two lock up and Van Dam turns a leg sweep into a pin attempt, but only gets two. Ryan gets in his face, so Van Dam knocks him back down with a big kick to the jaw. Van Dam up to the top rope early, and Ryan eats the legdrop. The Impact Zone chants for RVD as the Champion sets his opponent in the tree of woe. Baseball slide connects, followed by a monkey flip from the corner! Rolling Thunder incoming, but Ryan escapes to the outside. 

The Champion goes out and finds him, hitting another kick to the jaw and throwing his opponent back into the ring. RVD goes up top for the splitleg, but Ryan throws him off the ropes and into the barricade. He throws the Champion back into the ring and spikes him with a big, exclamation point of a DDT! Ouch! Van Dam finds some life and tries for another monkey flip in the corner, but Ryan moves out of the way. The two head to the second rope and Joey Ryan finds an innovative swinging neckbreaker from the top. Ryan tries to mount an offense, but the Champion lands a kick from the second rope. Clothesline hits. Another clothesline hits and Rolling Thunder finally finds its mark. Van Dam does his signature pose into a standing moonsault pin attempt, but only gets two. 

Ryan rolls up Van Dam from out of nowhere and gets his feet on the ropes for leverage. Van Dam kicks out and heads up to the top rope. Five Star Frogsplash connects, and the X-Division Champion retains his belt. 

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Van Dam celebrates with his title all the way up to the entrance ramp. He heads to the back but gets greated first by a big Carbon Footprint from the “Blueprint” Matt Morgan. 

Joseph Park joins Jeremey Borash and wishes Sting a speedy recovery. He says he’s not going to lie about it, and he’s scares to face the guys who took out the Icon on Impact, and so many more in the past. But the Aces & Eights took away his civil liberties when the kidnapped him and beat him to a pulp week after week. He says it’s not about being a lawyer tonight, but about being a man and going out there to fight for his manhood.