WWE Likely To Pull Post-TLC Raw From Philly and Run in NYC, Update on John Laurinaitis’ WWE Status

WWE RawWWE Likely To Pull Post-TLC Raw From Philly and Run in NYC

According to The Wrestling Observer, WWE is likely to run Raw the night after this year's TLC PPV at the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, NYC, the same venue as the PPV.

Originally, the Raw taking place the night after the PPV was supposed to emanate from Philadelphia, PA, but with tickets sales sluggish for TLC, the company feels it wise to broadcast Raw from the same location as the TLC PPV to save money.

While nothing has been officially announced, it is likely WWE will pull Raw from Philly on 12/17 as it would be too difficult to run a PPV in Brooklyn on 12/16 then move to Philly the next night.

Update on John Laurinaitis' WWE Status

According to PWInsider.com, John Laurinaitis, who is currently recovering from shoulder surgery, is not expected to return to the road as WWE's head producer until the end of this year.