Will Punk Remain On TV Despite Injury?, WWE Eyeing Two Top NCAA Prospects

CM PunkWill Punk Remain On TV Despite Injury?

According to PWInsider.com, despite undergoing knee surgery this week, CM Punk will still appear on WWE TV while he recovers.

At this point Punk is able to walk on his own, and it's possible that when he returns to TV he will sell the injury as if it's far worse, and might even be pushed around in a wheelchair or be on crutches to sell that he was severely injured by Ryback.

WWE Eyeing Two Top NCAA Prospects

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Gerald Brisco was in attendance for this week's wrestling meet between The University of Minnesota and Oklahoma State University. While there, Brisco was said to have his eye on two of the country's top heavyweight wrestlers, Tony Nelson and Alan Gelogaev.

Both are about a year away from graduating, so even if they are signed by WWE, it won't be until they finish school.


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