WWE RAW Results (12/17) – Slammy Awards, WWE Legends Return, AJ Introduces New Alliance?

Big Show comes to the ring with his supersized folding chair, and he says he's not surprised that he's getting booed by all of them. He says they let him down all the time, but he's not upset because he is still World Heavyweight Champion and he did what he said he would. Show says he wants to ask Sheamus something before he knocked him out, then the fans start a 'boring' chant and he says he can wait for them to shut up. Sheamus makes his way to the ring and says he's not there to fight him, and he says he has no regrets about their match because it was a hell of a fight. Sheamus says it might have been the most vicious match of his career, and he might have been the better man, even if he used a larger chair.

Sheamus says he came out to be the bigger man by shaking his hand, then Show reluctantly shakes his hand and Sheamus turns to leave. Show tells him to get to the back of the line, and Show says there was no doubt he would win, then Sheamus turns around and spears him. Sheamus picks up the chair and beats him with it, then he backs up and Brogue Kicks him before playing to the fans and heading backstage. Dolph Ziggler runs out with a referee and says he is cashing in, then the ref goes to ring the bell but John Cena runs out and attacks him from behind. Cena hits him a few more times and throws him outside, then he throws him into the barricade and heads backstage as Show gets up and sees what happened.

Dolph Ziggler is shown looking for Vickie Guerrero backstage, and he finally runs into her and screams about John Cena costing him his cash in chance. He says she is charge and asks what is she going to do about it, then she says she wants to know about his kiss with AJ tonight. Vickie says he has some explaining to do, but Dolph says nothing's going on and their relationship is over, because it's getting ugly like her. Vickie screams at him and says he can get revenge on Cena in a tag match tonight, and Dolph will team with his new girlfriend, but she's Cena's partner.