WWE RAW Results (1/7) – Cena vs Ziggler, TLC Match For WWE Title, The Rock Returns

Drew and Slater attack Sheamus while Jinder has the ref's attention, then he kicks him a few times before hitting a neckbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus breaks a headlock with a double axe handle smash, then he sets up White Noise but Slater and Drew jump on the apron and try to hit him. Sheamus slams Slater into Drew and clotheslines them out to the floor, then he Brogue Kicks Drew before heading back in the ring. Slater hops back up on the apron and Sheamus Brogue Kicks him, then he turns around and hits Jinder with White Noise and a Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

WWE Championship (Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match)

Ryback vs CM Punk (w/ Paul Heyman)

Punk ties up with Ryback and punches him in the corner, then Ryback knees him in the stomach and whips him across the ring. Ryback stomps him a few times before Punk heads outside, then he hits Ryback with a chair but Ryback tackles him and hits him in the head a few times. Ryback swings a chair at Punk but ends up hitting the stairs, then Punk takes the chair and drives it into his ribs before whipping him into the barricade. Punk throws a ladder in the ring but Ryback hits him from behind, then he lifts Punk for a vertical suplex and asks the fans to pick the chair or the ladder. Ryback holds Punk over his head for a good amount of time before suplexing him on the ladder, then Punk rolls outside but Ryback is quick to follow.

Ryback takes apart the stairs and throws them at Punk, but Punk rolls away then gets up and runs up them to connect with a springboard knee strike. Punk hits Ryback's knee with a chair as we go to a break, then we get back to see Ryback hit an electric chair drop before bodyslamming Punk on the floor. Ryback sets a table up against the barricade, then he turns around and gets hit in the stomach with a chair before Punk gets his own table. He tries to set it up but Ryback throws him across the broadcast table, then he beats him with the top of it before rolling him back inside. Punk gets up and stomps him before going for another chair, then he smashes it into Ryback's knee and wedges his foot in it. (Cont'd…)