WWE RAW Results (1/7) – Cena vs Ziggler, TLC Match For WWE Title, The Rock Returns

Punk heads up top and jumps towards the chair but Ryback rolls away, and Punk lands awkwardly on his knee and turns around into a spinebuster. Ryback calls for him to get up and connects with a Meathook, then he lifts him up for Shell Shocked but Punk floats over and runs outside. Ryback chases him but Punk sidesteps him and sends Ryback through a table, then Punk rolls back inside and sets a ladder up to climb for the title. Punk gets halfway up the ladder before Ryback meets him, then Ryback hits him and knocks him down before climbing back up. Ryback gets his fingertips on the title but Punk tips the ladder, then Ryback falls off but Ryback press slams him into the ladder. Ryback tries to throw him back into the ladder but Punk kicks him in the face, then he hits a running knee smash and tries to repair the broken ladder.

Punk knees him in the face again and goes for a bulldog, but Ryback counters and throws him through a table out on the ring floor. Ryback finds a new ladder and sets it up, then he starts climbing and tries to pull it down but the lights go out and The Shield are shown on the ladder with him. Ryback knocks Ambrose and Rollins down, then Reigns grabs his leg and pulls him down but Ryback sends them outside. Ryback tries to climb again but The Shield runs back in and beats him with a chair, then they lift him up and powerbomb him through a table set up on the ring steps. Heyman begs Punk to get up while The Shield leaves, then Punk drags himself in the ring and climbs the ladder to pull down his title while he laughs at Ryback laying on the ground. 

Winner – CM Punk

We get back after a break to see CM Punk and Paul Heyman in their locker room, then Matt Striker interrupts them and tries to get a word. Punk says he bets he wants to ask him about being involved with Brad Maddox and The Shield, but the answer hasn't changed so he has a good idea. He says he knows the Rock is here to entertain the millions, but he wants to go to the ring before that and drop another infamous pipebomb.


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