WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/17) – The Shield Looks For Justice, Punk vs Rock II, The Winner Of The Elimination Chamber Match Is…

WWE Championship
CM Punk (w/ Paul Heyman) vs The Rock (c)

Punk taunts Rock before applying a side headlock, then Rock sends him into the ropes but Punk drops him with a shoulder block and showboats. Punk plays to the crowd before going back to the headlock, then Rock comes back with some armdrags before Punk rolls outside. He regroups with Heyman before getting back in, then Punk talks trash to Rock and slaps him in the face, trying to get him disqualified. Rock punches him in the corner until the ref backs him off, and he warns Rock about getting disqualified so Punk spits in his face. Rock unloads on Punk and sends him to the floor, then Rock whips him into the barricade and drops him with a quick clothesline. Rock sends him into the announcer's table but Punk rakes his eyes, then he rolls back in the ring and drops Rock with a quick clothesline. Punk goes for a pin attempt before applying a side headlock, then Rock breaks the hold so Punk suplexes him and puts him in a bodyscissors headlock.

Rock breaks the hold with some right hands and sends Punk into the corner, then Punk kicks him in the face and connects with a springboard clothesline for two. Rock once again fights out of a side headlock and he punches Punk in the corner, then the ref tells him to break and Punk catches him offguard with a knee strike. Punk hits another running knee in the corner before hitting a clothesline, then he goes up top and hits an elbow drop for two. Punk goes outside and starts taking apart the broadcast table, but Rock follows him and slams his head into the table before rolling him in. Punk catches him with a kick to the head for a near fall, then Punk stares out at the floor before throwing Rock out towards the disassembled table. Heyman jumps on the apron to distract the ref while Punk gets him near the table, then he pulls Rock into position and Rock Bottoms him on the table.

Rock beats the count in so Punk unloads on him with some right hands, then he sarcastically blows a kiss into the stands but Rock drops him with a spinebuster. Rock hits a DDT and waits for the Rock Bottom, then Punk counters with repeated elbow strikes to the ribs and back. Rock surprises him with a Rock Bottom for two, then Punk rolls outside but Rock follows him and rolls him inside. Heyman stays out of the way while he argues with the ref, then Rock runs into the ref and he ends up knocked out on the floor. Punk hits a GTS and screams for a ref, then Heyman tries to wake the ref as a group of other refs run out to check on him. Punk goes for another GTS but Rock counters with the People's Elbow, and another ref jumps in to make the count but Punk narrowly kicks out at two. Rock goes after Punk but the ref gets caught in between them, and Punk rolls over his ankle and the ref leaves the ring in pain. Punk calls for the title from Heyman, but Rock ducks and Punk hits Heyman with it before Rock hits the Rock Bottom for the win.

Winner – The Rock

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WWE Elimination Chamber


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