3/4 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – WWE Goes “Old School”, the Undertaker Returns & More!


Billy Gunn and Road Dogg make their return to Monday Night Raw, as D-O-Double-G does their full entrances as the Buffalo crowd chants along. Looks like we're gonna have a wrestling match! 

(8) New Age Outlaws vs. Primo & Epico

Road Dogg is cornered by the Colon cousins as the crowd chants "you've still got it". Dogg makes the hot tag to Billy Gunn as a few guys chant "one more run" – I tend to agree. Epico saves the match for his team, and brawls to the outside with Road Dogg. Billy Gunn hits the Fame-Asser on Primo and picks up the 3-count. 

Winners: The New Age Outlaws

The WWE roster makes their way to the entrance, and Gene Okerlund introduces us to the oldest member of the WWE Hall of Fame…Mae Young. They have a giant cake and everything, and the whole building sings Happy Birthday. CM Punk interrupts the song and makes his entrance while walking right past the entire roster  in absolutely disrespect. 

(9) CM Punk vs. Big Show vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Punk bails from the ring at the sound of the bell, but Sheamus and Randy Orton roll to the outside and surround him. Punk rolls back into the ring, but takes a big headbut from the Big Show. Orton and Show brawl tot he outside, and the Viper knocks out the giant by sending him head-first into the ring post. Sheamus and Orton finally come face-to-face in the ring, with CM Punk trying to steal the win on both men. Punk tries to escape for a third time, but Orton/Sheamus throw him from the ring. Big Show chops both faces down to size as they cut to our final commercial break of the night. 

After the break, Randy Orton is attempting to get the Hangman's DDT on CM Punk. The Viper gets thrown the outside instead, but Sheamus comes flying out of nowhere with the Battering Ram shoulder block. Punk gets caught up in the ropes and takes ten clubbing blows across the chest from the Celtic Warrior, but Big Show catches him from behind and hits the Final Cut! Old school! Big Show gets the K.O. Punch on CM Punk! 

Sheamus hits the ring and goes to work on Big Show in the corner, nailing him with a hard knee to the forehead. The giant gets taken off his feat with a flying shoulder block, but Show gets right back up and heads to the second rope. He tries for a huge splash, but Sheamus (of course) moves out of the way at the last second. Sheamus hits the 500-pound White Noise on the big man, but Big Show somehow manages to kick out. 

Randy Orton and Sheamus both get a chokeslam from the Big Show, but Sheamus kicks out before the three-count. Show lines up for another K.O. Punch, but Sheamus ducks under it and gets the Brogue Kick on the big man! Randy Orton hits the RKO out of nowhere on Sheamus! CM Punk hits the ring and gets the GTS on the Viper! 1…2…3! 

Winner: CM Punk

After the match, the iconic gong sounds and the Undertaker makes his way to the entrance ramp. CM Punk and Undertaker stare each other down as Michael Cole puts over the Streak, up against the longest reigning WWE Champion in the last 25 years.