5/9 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – The Monster Returns

Bad Influence is at it again, trying to convince James Storm to join their side. They give him some beer and tell him to do the right thing in their match later on tonight. 

The Aces & Eights come out to the ring and tell everyone to shut the hell up. Bully Ray says later tonight they're going to take out Kurt Angle, and Sting (again) and some big mystery partner. He says it sure as hell won't be AJ Styles, and warns any wrestlers in the back that want to be a hero tonight. Bully then points to D'Lo Brown, and the club starts to form a circle around him. He says that D'Lo disgraced the group, and demands that he takes off his cut and walk away. Bully says that he quit, and the Aces & Eights aren't for quitters, and tells him to stop crying like a bitch. D'Lo demands a match with Magnus tonight to get his colors back, and Bully Ray tells him to go sit in the corner while DOC gets the job done. 

Magnus vs. DOC

DOC is in control and the match is already underway as we come back from a break. D'Lo is standing ringside. DOC levels Magnus with a huge splash in the corner, followed by a big clothesline in the center of the ring before going to the rear chin lock. A belly-to-belly suplex sends Magnus flying, but DOC only gets a two-count for it. He dodges out of the way of another corner splash, and Magnus takes the big man down with a flying forearm shot. 

He heads up to the top rope, but DOC hits him with a big right hand and goes up for a superplex attempt. Magnus shoves him back down to the mat, and comes off the turnbuckle with a diving elbow drop. D'Lo pulls him out of the ring, but Magnus counters an Irish Whip and sends him into the steel steps. Magnus back into the ring, and D'Lo grabs DOC's foot – apparently he thought it was Magnus – while the Brit rolls him up for a three-count. 

Winner: Magnus

Backstage, D'Lo tells the Aces & Eights that he's "sorry" and Bully Ray freaks out on him. He grabs a hammer and threatens to bash in his skull, but Ken Anderson tells him to give him a new job instead. Bully says D'Lo is now just a prospect for the club, and his only responsibility will be to get them beer, clean their bikes, and wash their cuts. 

Sting and Kurt Angle are with Hulk Hogan in his office, and the Hulkster wants in the match tonight. Angle tells him his doctor said "no" and he just can't do it. Sting tells him they just got on the same page, and they can't go making it personal again. Hogan says he won't wrestle, but he just got a call from a "wild card" and if he is who he says he is, he's going to run through the Aces & Eights. Sting and Angle both want Magnus as their partner. 


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