WWE Smackdown Results (7/19) – RVD Returns To Friday, Sandow Makes Cody An Offer, Vince Names A New GM

Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio 

Orton clotheslines Alberto in the corner and hits some mounted punches, then he dropkicks him and sets him up on the top turnbuckles. Alberto drops down and puts him in the Cross Armbreaker in the ropes, then he breaks at a five count and avoids a corner tackle by Orton. Alberto stomps him in the corner and jumps down on his arm, then he chokes Orton on the ropes and puts him in an armbar. Orton fights back and whips him across the ring, then he goes for a rollup before Alberto hits a thrust kick and some repeated knees to the head. Orton rolls outside so Alberto follows, but Orton suplexes him onto the barricade and whips him towards the steps. Alberto reverses it and sends Orton into the steps, then he rolls Orton back in and heads up top, taunting Orton but Orton hits a midair dropkick.

Orton hits him a few times but Alberto puts him in a Cross Armbreaker, but Orton gets to the ropes so Alberto stomps him but Orton comes back with a backbreaker for two. Orton sets up a hanging DDT but Alberto counters with an enziguiri, then Alberto kicks him in the back and mocks Orton's Viper pose. He tries to attack Orton but Orton comes back with a powerslam, then Orton lifts him up but Alberto jumps down on his arm again. Alberto charges him but Orton throws him to the apron, and he hits a hanging DDT before pounding the mat and setting up a RKO. Alberto counters with a Backstabber for two, then he calls for the Cross Armbreaker but Orton rolls through and ducks a superkick before hitting a RKO for the win. 

Winner – Randy Orton

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