WWE RAW Results (7/22) – Punk Officially Challenges Lesnar, Daniel Bryan Fights Three Times To Prove Himself

WWE RAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
July 22nd 2013

Brad Maddox brings John Cena to the ring for a contract signing, and he wants to know why Cena picked Daniel Bryan as his opponent. Maddox implies Cena thinks he can win easily, then Cena says it was the best choice and Bryan deserves it. Bryan comes out and Cena says other people want to hold Bryan down, and he's not the biggest guy, but that's not what matters. Cena says guys like Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero prove that passion and skill mean as much as size, and Bryan earned this title match. Cena says he needs to face the best to prove himself, and Bryan might not be in the match otherwise, but he expects to compete, not hand over a title.

Cena says Bryan is his best competition right now, but he is going to prove to everyone at Summerslam that the best isn't good enough to beat him. He signs the contract, followed by Bryan, then Bryan tries to get a word in but Maddox cuts him off and says the match for Summerslam is now official. Bryan yells at him and says he worked for this moment and deserves it, then Maddox says Cena and a small part of the fans believe in him, but everyone doesn't believe in him. Maddox tells him he can prove himself tonight in a match, then he corrects himself and says matches, but he doesn't see Bryan doing well. Maddox starts a 'no' chant but Bryan opposes him with a 'yes' chant, then they go back and forth before the segment comes to an end.

Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio

Sheamus throws Alberto back in the corner but Alberto kicks Sheamus, then they tie up and Alberto kicks Sheamus' bruised thigh in the corner. Sheamus comes back with a clothesline, then he elbows Alberto in the corner and hits a neckbreaker for a near fall before Alberto kicks him in the face. Alberto hits him a few times and taunts the crowd, then Sheamus hits him in the stomach but Alberto ties him in the ropes and chokes him. Alberto tackles him in the corner and hits him in the stomach, then Sheamus comes back with a few punches and follows up with a suplex for a two count. Sheamus hits the ropes but Alberto attacks his thigh, then he stomps him a few times and picks him up, setting himself on the turnbuckles. Alberto tries to put him in an armbar over the ropes, but Sheamus reaches back and punches him off the apron, and Alberto hits the floor as we cut to a break. (Cont'd…)


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