WWE RAW Results (9/16) – HHH Vacates Title, Fires Ref, Locker Room Rallies For Bryan

Reigns avoids it and hits a spinning sidewalk slam for two, then he whips Bryan into the corner but Bryan comes back with a clothesline off the turnbuckles. Bryan repeatedly kicks him in the chest but Reigns ducks one to the head, then he hits a Samoan drop for two before connecting with some mounted punches. Reigns goes for a powerbomb but Bryan counters with a rollup for two, then he jumps up and kicks Reigns in the head to get another near fall. Rollins tries to help Reigns up but Bryan kicks him into the commentary table, then he turns and dropkicks Reigns in the corner. Bryan kicks Ambrose off of the apron but Reigns clotheslines him from behind, then he goes after Bryan but Bryan puts him in the YES Lock and Randy Orton runs in and breaks it up.

The ref rings the bell as Bryan puts Orton in the YES Lock, then The Shield get involved and repeatedly stomp Bryan while Orton goes for a chair. Orton stomps him and wedges his head in the chair, then he gets ready to stomp Bryan but the locker room runs out and tries to chase them off. Reigns spears Kofi Kingston as Dolph drops Ambrose with a Zig Zag, then the Usos both superkick Reigns as Titus throws Rollins across the ring. Bryan dropkicks Rollins as he gets up and knocks him out of the ring, then Bryan is lifted onto their shoulders and he celebrates with a YES chant to end the show.

Winner (by disqualification) – Daniel Bryan

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