WWE Monday Night Raw Results (9/23): Chicago, IL – CM Punk Comes Home, The Shield in 11-Man Handicap Match Main Event


This is an elimination style handicap match. Rob Van Dam stars off against Dean Ambrose, but gets caught with a kick to his injured and taped up arm. Ambrose throws him into the ring post and hits him with his finisher to eliminate Van Dam. 

Back from break, and Kofi Kingston – who is also heavily bandaged up – is taking it to Ambrose. Kofi flies off the top with a crossbody, but Ambrose catches his arm and works it over. Headlock Driver…done. Kingston is eliminated. 

Titus O'Neil wastes no time hitting the ring, but in comes big Roman Reigns and the two stare each other down. Reigns with a spear, and there goes Titus. Spear on Justin Gabriel; see ya, bye. Zack Ryder gets about ten seconds of momentum, but gets caught with a spear for a pin. 

Daniel Bryan hits the ring like a ball of fire and takes out Reigns with kicks and a running forearm. Jimmy Uso hits a Samoan Drop on Reigns, and Jey Uso comes off the top with a huge splash. 1 – 2 -3! Cole freaks out as this is the first time Roman Reigns has ever been pinned. We cut to our last commercial break, as Seth Rollins can't believe his muscle has been eliminated. 

Darren Young eliminated by a Seth Rollins knee. Dolph Ziggler comes from behind to eliminate Dean Ambrose with the Zig Zag! Ziggler and Ambrose will face off (again) on Smackdown this Friday night. It's now Seth Rollins against five guys. 

R-Truth is in, and hits a facebuster on Rollins. He goes for the scissors kick, but Rollins dodges it and hits the Blackout to pin Truth. For those that don't know, the Blackout is essentially a one foot stomp that drives the opponent's face into the mat. Not pretty, but effective. The four remaining babyfaces rush Rollins, but Ambrose and Reigns come back and get on the apron. The Usos take them down and fly over the top rope, taking them both out. Rollins comes from behind and attacks Daniel Bryan. They fight to the top rope, but Bryan shrugs him off and htis the flying headbutt, followed by the running knee for the final win. 

Winners: Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & The Usos

Daniel Bryan celebrates as Raw goes off the air, kind of abruptly as they were approaching the end of their over-run period.