Complete 9/26 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Hogan Gives AJ a Contract, Bully Ray Kicks Out Another Aces & Eights Member

-Kurt Angle will return at Bound for Glory. 

-Somebody named Ethan is coming. No clue who he is, but he's coming. 


Manik is in control immediately, but Sabin feigns injury and the ref gives him time. He rolls to the outside towards Velvet Sky. Sabin throws Velvet into Manik, and knees him in the head from behind. Back in the ring and Manik hooks in the Indian Death Lock. The hold gets broken and the two fight up to one of the tunrbuckles; Manik kicks Sabin down and hits a missile dropkick. A standing 360 corkscrew splash picks up a close two-count, but Sabin rolls up the champ for a close count of his own. Manik with a catapult, sending Sabin hard into a turnbuckle. Again he locks in the Indian Death Lock, but Sabin grabs a hold of Velvet Sky who gets pulled into the ring. Sabin hides behind her briefly, but tries for a quick roll-up; Manik counters and picks up the win with a roll-up of his own. 

Winner: Manik

-After the match, Sabin puts the boots to the X-Division Champion and doesn't agree with that decision. Austin Aries makes the save and chases off Sabin, before helping out Manic. 

-E.G.O. is all backstage talking about Magnus and how good he is at losing. Bad Influence try and get Roode to do a group maniacle laugh with them, but he walks out. Daniels says they'll work on it. 


Magnus starts off against Bischoff, who gets his ass kicked and tags out to Brisco, as the crowd chants "we want Sting". All six guys brawl to the outside, but EGO comes out and attacks Magnus. Magnus looks like he's got a busted leg, and somehow the referee didn't see that happen. Sting is the legal man, getting beaten down by Brisco as we head to commercial. 



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