Complete 9/26 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Hogan Gives AJ a Contract, Bully Ray Kicks Out Another Aces & Eights Member


Brisco is still beating up Sting as we come back from the break. Sting with a big back body drop and a hot tag to Samoa Joe, who comes in and clotheslines all three Aces & Eights members. Joe with a snap powerslam on Brisco, and Sting hits the Stringer Splash on Knux and Bischoff. Joe locks in the rear naked choke on Brisco and he taps out. 

Winners: The Main Event Mafia

-Bully Ray comes down and gets in Wes Brisco's face. He tells him that he tapped out, and that he's a disgrace to the Aces & Eights. He tells him to hand over his cut, but Brisco refuses. Bully demands Knux and Bischoff take his cut, but they just stand there. Bully clotheslines Wes, and asks what happened to the Aces & Eights. He hits Brisco with a wicked piledriver, and again demands that they take off his cut, or he'll do it again. This time they listen, and Knux hands him the jacket. 

-Hulk Hogan is already in the ring as we come back from our final commercial break of the night. He attempts to talk, but stumbles over his words and instead just tells AJ Styles to get out there. Hogan says he cannot have a TNA World Champion without a contract, and hands a clipboard to AJ Styles. Styles signs the contract but is quickly interrupted by Dixie Carter, who comes down to the ring. Dixie says that Hogan is just an employee, nothing more. She mocks what AJ said last week about getting down on her knees. She rips up the contract and says she doesn't value Styles, before demanding that he leave the ring. 

Dixie continues to rant about having to make hard decisions, and says that 99% of the people who complain about her really need her. She says the 1% are the ones who make the decisions, and tells Hulk Hogan that he's had a lapse in judgement. Dixie says she is giving Hulk one week to think about what team he is playing for, and she knows he will make the right decision. 


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