Complete 9/26 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Hogan Gives AJ a Contract, Bully Ray Kicks Out Another Aces & Eights Member

TNA Impact Wrestling
Little Rock, AR – Sept. 26, 2013

-Impact opens with footage from last week, including E.G.O. laying out Sting and AJ Styles' confrontation with Dixie Carter. 

-Dixie Carter arrives at the arena, and is confronted by Sting. The Icon tries to ask her about what she said to Styles last week, but the TNA President ignores him, texting on her phone and pretending not to hear anything. Dixie eventually says that Sting shouldn't worry about her, because she's got everything under control. 

-Bully Ray makes his way to the ring with Brooke Tessmacher. He puts over Dixie Carter, and says she shocked the hell out of him last week. Bully says that AJ Styles should kiss the ground Dixie walks on, and she made him who he is today. He asks the crowd if they know who he is, and is cut off by Knux, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff. Knux says he has become more worried about the title than protecting the club, and calls Brooke a ho. Bully tells them to all get in line, and says if they lose their match tonight, he will kick somebody out of Aces & Eights. 

-Joe Park is backstage trying to shave, and EY takes the razor out of his hand. He worries about what happens if he cuts himself shaving, and goes crazy on some of the fans around the ring. 


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