WWE Battleground

WWE Battleground Results (10/6) – Rhodes Family Stands Tall, Punk Outsmarts Heyman, Bryan vs Orton

Bryan hits Orton near the barricade and whips him into it, then he hits a running dropkick before rolling him inside and going for a missile dropkick. Orton counters with a powerbomb for two, then he applies a Boston crab but Bryan counters with a Yes Lock attempt so Orton rolls outside. Bryan goes after him but Orton slams him into the ringpost and barricade, then he rolls him in and gets a near fall before Bryan makes a brief comeback. He hits Orton a few times and heads up top, but Orton connects with a superplex for two, then they trade several uppercuts before Bryan goes for a backslide.

Bryan fights with Orton on the apron and tries to suplex him, but Orton backdrops him over the ropes and onto the floor before taking the broadcast table apart. Orton tries to powerbomb him on it but Bryan floats over and kicks him, then he throws him into the ring steps before rolling in to break the count. Bryan hits him and heads up top, then he takes Orton down with a knee strike and rolls him inside before going back up top. He hits a top rope diving headbutt for two, then he sends Orton into the corner and hits some dropkicks before he kicks him in the chest. Orton ducks a final kick and takes him down with an exploder suplex, then he connects with a hangman’s DDT and sets up for a RKO. Bryan shoves him off so Orton goes for a rollup, but Bryan kicks out and puts him in the Yes Lock.

Big Show’s music cues up and he runs to the ring, and he pulls the ref out of the ring and throws him on the floor. Bryan breaks the hold and asks what he’s doing, but Show just knocks him out and shakes his head while Brad Maddox walks to the stage. Maddox waves for someone and referee Brad Armstrong heads to the ring, and he tries to make the count but Show pulls him away and knocks him out. Show gets in the ring and gets in Orton’s face, and Orton screams about him screwing things up and shoves him. Show just knocks him out and plays to the crowd, then Brad Maddox looks horrified as Show says ‘no more’ and poses on the turnbuckles.

Result – No Contest

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WWE Battleground