Flashback: 2013 TNA Bound for Glory Results (10/20): AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray for the World Title, Kurt Angle No-Sells the Hall of Fame & More

Bully Ray is backstage to cut the final promo before our main event. He says he doesn’t want to kill AJ Styles, he wants AJ to live through losing tonight’s match, so he has to go back to his double-wide trailer and think about not being TNA World Heavyweight Champion. 



Bully Ray taunts his opponent, telling AJ he doesn’t belong in the ring because he’s afriad. They lock up, and Bully hits him with a huge body slam. The lock up again and the champion has a wrist lock in, tossing Styles around the ring with ease. He goes back into the wrist lock, but AJ kips out of it, only to get turned inside-out with a clothesline. The crowd sets in with a big “AJ Stylse” chant, and AJ comes back with a big right hand, followed by a running dropkick to pop the fans. The Calf Killer is locked in on CalfZilla, but Garrett Bischoff runs down to the ring to distract him. 

AJ goes out to meet him on the ramp, and Bully Ray has a hammer in the ring. Bischoff backs down and leaves the ringside area, and Bully swings with the hammer; Styles kicks it out of his hands and picks it up. Bully chops him hard, and the hammer remains at ringside for the time being. 

Bully throws a right hand, but AJ shakes it off and begs him for another. Styles goes crazy in the corner with rights and lefts, and follows that up with a baseball slide to the knees to take the big man off his feet. Here comes Knux, who comes down and gets in the ring. Styles flies off the top and gets caught with a chokeslam. Bully Ray makes the cover, but AJ kicks out before three. Bully Ray accidentally takes out Knux with a clothesline and Styles get a roll-up for another close count. 

The action spills to the floor as the crowd starts a massive “we want tables” chant. Bully grabs the hammer again, but Styles gets an enzugiri out of nowhere that knocks him out. AJ grabs the hammer, but throws it down and puts him on top of the table instead. Styles goes back into the ring and springboards off the top rope with a 450 splash, but Bully moves and AJ’s entire body goes through the table. BRUTAL SPOT.

Taz gives Bully Ray a blade, and the champ cuts the ring apron and starts to destroy the ring. He takes all the padding off and exposes the wood boards underneath.  Bully calls to the back to “send them out”, and Dixie Carter slowly makes her way to the ring. She takes a chair from security and gives it to Bully Ray, but AJ STyles springboards off the top rope and takes him out. Springboard 450, and this time it connects. Earl goes to make the count, but Dixie Carter starts to threaten him. Bully Ray kicks out. 

AJ can’t figure out what to do, so he tries for the Styles Clash, but Bully throws him off with a big back body drop into the wood. Bully goes up to the top rope and hits a splash for a two-count. The champ uses the steel chair across AJ’s back, twice. Bully goes for a powerbomb on the wood, but AJ floats over and hits the Pele Kick. Styles uses the chair off the head of the world champion, and once again he heads up to the top rope. SPIRAL TAP! 1…2…3.


AJ Styles celebrates his title win in the stands to send Bound for Glory off the air.