Major Report: Carter Family Looking to Sell TNA?

impact_coverageAccording to yesterday's episode of Wrestling Observer Radio with Dave Meltzer, the Carter family is looking to sell TNA Wrestling, and the reason for the cutbacks this summer were because the family stopped pumping money into the company. 

No matter what anyone says right now, there's big things going on behind the scenes as far as the ownership of the company, and at that point, god only knows where it goes … I think the Carters are looking to get out. They've lost enough money … But they've been looking to get out for a while. 

A couple of blogs and websites have claimed WWE is interested in acquiring TNA Wrestling, but at the moment those rumors are complete speculation. No reputable sources have been able to confirm that Vince McMahon, or anyone inside WWE is even remotely interested in acquiring the company. Other names floating around are Eric Bischoff and former co-founder Jeff Jarrett.


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