WWE European Tour Results (11/16): Vienna, Austria – Ryder Gets Upset Victory; Top Heel Tag Team Working as a Babyface?

Antonio CesaroWWE European Tour Results

Nov. 16, 2013 – Vienna, Austria

(1) WWE Tag Team Championship Match

Cody Rhodes & Goldust (c) def. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

(2) Santino def. Fandango

-Fandango complains about his loss and demands another match, which brings out…

(3) The Miz def. Fandango. This match lasted about a minute. 

(4) Zack Ryder def. Damien Sandow with a roll-up. After the match, Sandow beat down Ryder. 

(5) The Real Americans def. Los Matadores. Antonio Cesaro was over HUGE in Austria, so they changed things up in the middle of the match, and had the Real Americans play the babyfaces. Cesaro won the match with the Cesaro Swing. 

(6) Big E Langston def. Wade Barrett

(7) WWE Championship Match

Randy Orton (c) def. The Big Show with the RKO. 

-Kane came out, followed by The Shield. Cody Rhodes, Goldust and Big E Langston made the save for Show, who hit the KO Punch on Randy Orton. 

(8) Natalya def. Aksana

(9) United States Championship Match

Dean Ambrose (c) def. Kofi Kingston & Dolph Ziggler

(10) World Heavyweight Championship Match

John Cena (c) def. Alberto del Rio