Footage Shot for 12/5, 12/12 Impact Wrestling & Xplosion Shows *Spoilers*

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December 5, 2013 Impact Wrestling Episode:

* Kurt Angle/Magnus promo. They spoke about why it is important for each of them to win. Roode interrupted them and made his case as did Hardy shortly after. This segwayed into the first of the two semifinal matches.

* In a Semifinal Tables Match, Jeff Hardy defeated Bobby Roode in a tables match. Both guys went through a table at one point and the match was restarted. Roode was on the apron and Hardy kicked him off trough the table on the floor to win the match.

* In a Gail Kim open challenge, she defeated Cherry Bomb. She and Tapa went to attack her after until ODB made the save and the two of them bailed.

* In a Semifinal Last Man Standing Match, Magnus beat Kurt Angle. Ref bump led to Roode coming out and laying out Angle. Magnus made it to his feet to win the match. Roode put the boots to Angle until Hardy made the save. He and Magnus had a stare down after.