WWE RAW Results (12/9) – Slammy Awards, Punk vs Ambrose, Championship Ascension

John Cena vs The Rock at Wrestlemania 29 wins "Match of the Year", and he thanks the fans as they boo him and he says the match is something he will never forget.

Natalya vs Tamina (w/ AJ Lee)

Tamina whips Nattie in the corner and knees her a few times, then she chokes her on the ropes and whips her into the opposite corner. Tamina chops her and goes for a splash, but Nattie sidesteps her and knocks her down before going after AJ on the apron. Tamina picks Nattie up but she gets free and knocks Tamina into AJ, then she gets Tamina to tap out to the Sharpshooter.

Winner – Natalya

Stephanie McMahon puts over the champions in the ring and says it's only right Triple H is here, because he is a great champion, and he says they are here for history. He says this moment in time is game changing, then he pauses for the Daniel Bryan chants and Shawn Michaels tries to quiet them. Mark Henry raises Bryan's arm and the crows erupts in a YES chant, then HHH resumes and says they will crown a champion of champions. He brings John Cena and Randy Orton to the ring, then they hang the titles above the ring and Orton says he wants to add something. He says Cena used to talk about Ruthless Agression, but he made a mistake because he should have put him in a hospital last week. Orton says he's not losing focus and he's plenty motivated, because he has all the motivation in front of him and he knows Cena wants to be face of WWE. He says Cena always cares about image, and he will be known as the guy who lost the big one again, but Orton is a legend.

Orton says he took years off of Mick Foley's career and life, then he says he's embarrassed Shawn Michaels plenty of times in the past. He says the Montreal Screwjob never would have happened because he would have just kicked Bret Hart's ass, then he tells Cena his world is going to crash down around him on Sunday. Cena says it's funny because Orton said work, then Cena motions for Daniel Bryan and asks him how hard he worked to get to WWE. Cena says Bryan gets cheered because he works and earns it, but Orton gets everything handed to him and he's been bullet proof. Cena says nothing has changed and all he does is hide behind the Authority, and he can't believe Orton has the balls to says he's better than anyone. Cena says Sunday is bigger than anything, and Orton might prove something he could have been ten years ago, but he's always been the same. He says he wants to fight the best because it's the right thing to do, and he will say it in front of the world; he looks forward to a fair rematch with Bryan if he wins and shakes his hand.

Cena says he has one more statement to make, and he says it's going to be physical and brutal, but he hopes Orton is at his very best. He says he the last thing they want is another excuse from Orton, then they shake hands but Orton takes a cheap shot and they brawl on the mat. Orton and Cena are separated but Punk elbows Orton in the face, then HHH throws him on the mat but Punk gets up and punches him in the jaw. HBK takes Punk out with Sweet Chin Music, then Bryan hits him with a running knee and Orton tries to drop him with a RKO. Bryan shoves Orton away and Orton inadvertently knocks Stephanie over, then HHH gets furious and hits him with a Pedigree before checking on his wife. Cena and Kane assist Stephanie up and they all stare at Orton in the corner, then Orton tries to apologize as HHH hugs Stephanie and Cena looks on behind them.

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