How the Rose Bowl Influenced WWE’s Daniel Bryan Creative Plans, WWE Moves 2 Alumni Names to Main Roster, Moves Diva Name to NXT

WWE Moves Roster Names

New Age has moved Billy Gunn and Road Dogg, the New Age Outlaws, from the Alumni section of the website to the main roster.

Additionally, has moved Total Diva JoJo from the main roster section of the website to the NXT roster.

How the Rose Bowl Influenced WWE's Daniel Bryan Creative Plan

According to The Wrestling Observer, the "Yes" chant that took place at Rose Bowl this year, lead by Michigan State player Travis Jackson, was said to have influenced WWE's decision to have Daniel Bryan turn on the Wyatt Family. The plan all along was for Bryan to eventually turn on the Wyatt's, but it was more of a longterm plan in WWE, and then the Rose Bowl chants happened, and WWE decided to pull the trigger on the turn.