WWE RAW Results (1/20) – Batista Returns, Bryan Speaks, Cena Confronts Orton

Bray says this is the punishment that awaits Daniel Bryan, then he laughs as Harper applies a side headlock, but Jimmy breaks free and kicks him in the face. Jimmy hits a corkscrew senton and makes the tag, then Jey connects with some forearm shots and some uppercuts before he takes Harper down with a Samoan drop. Jey splashes him in the corner and superkicks Rowan off the apron, then Jimmy hits a suicide dive to take Rowan out but Harper forearms Jey in the face. Harper gets in and slams him on the mat, then Bray screams at him to finish it but Daniel Bryan runs out and hits Bray from behind. He hits him a few times and kicks Rowan in the face, then Harper turns around to see what's going on and Jey rolls him up for the surprise win.

Winners – The Usos

Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton

Orton kicks Kofi in the corner and goes for a quick pin, then he throws him outside and slams him into the commentary table before stomping him. Orton mocks John Cena's 'U Can't See Me' taunt, then he suplexes Kofi and sets up a hangman's DDT before Kofi counters with S.O.S. for two. Orton punches him in the corner as we see John Cena arriving, and Cena runs into the arena as Kofi grabs Orton's leg to hold him in place. Orton tries to run but Cena gets a hold of him and throws him into the ringpost, then Cena throws him over the barricade and they slug it out in the crowd. Cena lifts him for an Attitude Adjustment on the stairs, but Orton elbows him and runs up the stairs. Cena catches him and hits him a few times, then they fight into a luxury box before Orton throws a fan into him and runs outside, jumping into someone's car to get away.

Result – No Contest

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