Has JR Called His Last Match?, Dolph Ziggler Featured on WWE Inbox, Opening for Tonight’s Impact Wrestling (Video)

Has Jim Ross Called His Last Match?

FOX Sports has posted a new article covering Jim Ross recently speaking with Jimmy Traina of The Buzz. When asked if he has called his last pro wrestling match, JR had the following to say:

"I would love to call a match at WrestleMania. If I was being greedy, I'd love to call anything the Undertaker does at WrestleMania until he's no longer doing it. But without sounding overly pessimistic, I just don't see that happening. I hope I'm wrong. I'm ready to go do it. But I do think somewhere along the way, I'm gonna broadcast something."

Dolph Ziggler Featured on WWE Inbox

The following video is the latest edition of WWE Inbox, featuring Dolph Ziggler:

Opening for Tonight's Impact Wrestling

The following video is the opening for tonight's TNA Impact Wrestling: