WWE Smackdown Results (2/28) – Batista vs Ziggler, Wyatts’ Message For Cena, Bryan/Usos vs Kane/Outlaws

Divas Championship

Cameron vs AJ Lee (c) (w/ Tamina Snuka)

AJ tackles Cameron and hits her a few times, then she clotheslines her in the corner and puts her in a chinlock. Cameron comes back with some clotheslines and a bulldog, then she whips her but Tamina shoves AJ out of the way and Cameron hits the turnbuckles. The referee throws Tamina out, then Cameron kicks AJ and hits a crossbody for two before AJ connects with a spinning heel kick and makes her tap to the Black Widow.

Winner – AJ Lee

Daniel Bryan & The Usos vs Kane & New Age Outlaws

Bryan repeatedly kicks Billy in the corner and Jimmy applies an armbar, but Billy backs him in the corner and Kane connects with a few punches. Road Dogg jabs him a few times and whips him, but Jimmy comes back with a slide and clothesline before Jey splashes him for a near fall. Jey goes for a superkick but Road Dogg rolls outside as we go to a break, then we get back to see Jey chop Billy and trip Road Dogg on the apron. Billy knocks him down and gets a near fall before Kane kicks him in the chest, then he splashes him in the corner and connects with a clothesline for two. Kane hits a sidewalk slam for two, then he applies a side headlock but Jey hits a jawbreaker and goes for a tag.

Kane beats him to the corner and kicks Bryan off the apron, then Road Dogg hits a leg lariat on the ropes before knocking Jimmy off the apron. Jey comes back with a thrust kick, then Bryan tags in and knocks Kane outside before repeatedly kicking Billy in the corner. Bryan connects with a running dropkick and some kicks to the chest, then Road Dogg tries to run interference but Bryan throws him outside. Bryan kicks Billy outside and tries to splash him, but Kane clotheslines him before the Usos counter a chokeslam and throw him outside. They splash Road Dogg and Kane on the floor as Billy hits Bryan with a Fameasser, then he goes for a suplex but Bryan floats over and connects with a running knee for the win.

Winners – Daniel Bryan & The Usos

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