Undertaker’s WWE Schedule Through ‘Mania, Colter Teases Raw Surprises, TNA Announces Title Change, More on Wolves/Tag Titles

More on The Wolves/TNA Tag Titles

As we noted over the weekend, The Wolves lost the TNA Tag Team Titles at the Outbreak PPV taping in Japan, and TNA, along with Dixie Carter, have announced the title change no longer making it a spoiler.

The announcement notes that The BroMans, who regained the titles at the taping, pinned the team of Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo, so there is a built in story line in place for The Wolves to get a rematch for the titles as they were never pinned.

Colter Teases Raw Surprises

Zeb Colter posted the following on Twitter last night:

Undertaker's WWE Schedule Through 'Mania

Aside from tonight's Raw broadcast, The Undertaker is currently being advertised by WWE for the 3/24 edition of Raw and the WrestleMania go-home edition of Raw. He is currently not listed for any other TV tapings prior to 'Mania.