The Very Latest on the Batista DJ Incident, WWE Signs New TV Deal in Germany, Two Debuts Set for Impact This Week

More on the Batista/DJ Incident

Batista dj incident​The Batista DJ Cam Carson incident in Winnipeg appears to have been legitimate, as sources have noted Carson tends to go over the line publicly, and implied, via Twitter, that he might have been intoxicated during the WWE Live Event.

Yesterday, a woman claimed her 11 year old son was trampled during the incident, and we noted the woman is the same person who was involved in the 2010 Billy Gunn sex scandal.

Carson promised to discuss the incident on his morning show today, and if anyone caught the show and would like to send in a recap please email us by clicking on the submit news box below.

WWE Signs New TV Deal in Germany

Big WWE news coming out of Germany today is that Raw will be returning to free TV in the country, beginning with the Raw show after WrestleMania 30. Tele 5 will be airing a 2 hour version of Raw every Thursday night at 10:15pm. The original Tele 5 aired WWE from 1989-1992 and 2003-2007.

2 Debuts Set for Impact This Week

The following has been announced for this week's Impact Wrestling broadcast:

-The TNA debut of X-Division Champion Sanada and Lucha Libre star Tigre Uno.

-Fallout from last night's TNA Lockdown PPV.


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