WWE Network Airing Bryan’s Journey to WrestleMania, Bad News Barrett Wrestles on Raw, More Names Backstage at WM30

WWE Network Airing Bryan's Journey to WrestleMania

wade barrettWWE announced on Raw tonight that the Network will be airing Daniel Bryan's "Journey to WrestleMania" special immediately following WWE Main Event tomorrow night at 9pm EST.

Bad News Barrett Wrestles Tonight

Bad News Barrett wrestled on Raw tonight, for the first time in awhile, and he defeated Rey Mysterio in a singles match.

More Names Backstage at WM30

According to ProWrestling.net, Ric Flair's son David Flair, former WWE ref Tim White, and debuting star Alexander Rusev were all backstage at WrestleMania last night. RVD was also backstage, as he made his WWE return tonight on Raw.