Wrestlezone’s “WWE Network Logo Redesign” Contest – Read More For The Winning Entry!

Around Wrestlemania time, Wrestlezone ran a contest where fans submitted their version of the WWE Network logo, and their vision for it. This was a fun contest with a lot of positive feedback, and our winner's submission will be featured in WWE Network related articles here on Wrestlezone.

The winner of WZ's WWE Network logo redesign contest is Rob De Franco (@therobdefranco). Although it was a pretty close contest, Rob's entry received the most votes and was declared the winner.

Rob submitted this entry, combining some elements of past and present WWE logos, along with an alternate, both of which you can see below:

Rob's image will be featured here on Wrestlezone in WWE Network related posts. Here's what Rob had to say about his submission:

I became a WWE fan around 1988, when I was 7 years old. I grew up watching Superstars on Saturday mornings and read the handful of WWF Magazines I had cover to cover at least 100 times each. I had a few LJN rubber wrestlers, drew hundreds of pictures of my favorite wrestlers and even collected WWF trading cards. What a mark!

I stuck with wrestling through the awkward transition of the mid 90s and of course through the Attitude Era. That's around the time I took my first design course in high school. I even had a chance to contribute design work for a couple marquee wrestling sites at the time. 

With all that history as a fan, I wanted my logo to incorporate more of the original World Wrestling Federation logo. That logo was and is so iconic to me. It represents so much and always takes me back to a time I first found pro wrestling. The scratch logo rebrand also represented a time where I got to fall in love with wrestling all over again.

When Wrestlezone announced the logo competition, I was excited to get a chance to mesh two of my biggest passions – wrestling and design. And I knew immediately that I wanted to somehow combine old and new logos into one. I jotted down a few quick sketches and spent a few more hours to turn out my submission. I think it really goes nicely with WWE's new slogan: THEN. NOW. FOREVER.

Thanks to WZ for holding the contest, to those that commented, voted and shared and to the other participants who put forth their creativity. It was a lot of fun. Thanks guys.

Thank you to all the submissions, and congratulations to Rob De Franco!