Piper Reportedly Upset About Twitter Feud, Nash to Appear on Piper’s Podcast?, Latest WWE in 5 Video

Piper Reportedly Upset About Twitter Feud

roddy piperAccording to F4WOnline.com, the recent Twitter feud between Roddy Piper and Kevin Nash reportedly had Piper very upset this past weekend.

Kevin Nash did note the following on Twitter, however, which seemed to put the feud to bed:

"Talked to @R_Roddy_Piper on the phone seems our recollection is not the same.Asked him to do some research with those in the room. Said ok."

Prior to the above Tweet, Piper did challenge Nash to appear on his podcast, and Nash accepted, so it remains to be seen whether or not Nash will actually appear on the show to discuss the issues between the two.

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