WWE RAW Results (4/28) – Bryan Returns, IC Tourney Finals, Reigns vs Orton

Divas Championship
Brie Bella (w/ Daniel Bryan) vs Paige (c)

Brie gets a near fall before Paige kicks her in the stomach and stomps her in the corner, then she connects with a Fisherman's suplex for two. Paige whips her and knees her in between the ropes, then Brie comes back with a running knee strike before heading up top. Paige cuts her off and hits a superplex, then Kane's pyro goes off and Bryan waits at the bottom of the ramp for him.

Kane ends up tearing through the ring and pulls Brie towards him, but Bryan stomps him several times before Kane throws him back. Kane grabs Brie and pulls her towards the tear in the mat, but Bryan runs in and hits Kane with a wrench. He checks on Brie as Kane gets up, then he tells Brie to run as Kane chokeslams Bryan on the mat. Brie tries to run but Kane grabs her and pulls her again, only to have Brie kick him in the face to get away. Some referees help Bryan up and check on Brie, then Kane sets his pyro off in front of them and smiles.

Result – No Contest

Stephanie finds Bryan and Brie in the trainer's room after a commercial, and she apologizes again and says she didn't know this would happen. She wonders if Bryan can compete at Extreme Rules, and Bryan says he will be there, and Stephanie will be sorry for getting his wife involved with this. Stephanie tries to apologize again, but Brie screams "get out, you bitch" at her and Stephanie looks on in disbelief.

BP: Great, effective segment and match starting with Stephanie and ending with Kane. Pretty much identical to Kane's feuds with Matt Hardy, Edge, or Lita, but entertaining. Kane's good in this role, it has the Team Hell No issues still (somewhat) unresolved, and it should be a great match.

Renee Young finds John Cena and says he's finally ready to speak on earlier tonight, and he says he finally realized something. He says he was having fun before, but he's getting serious and he's putting an end to Bray's message. Cena says there used to be noise and excitement, but Bray ruined that with silence and song. He says he is going to buy Bray a donkey, and he's going to punch Bray in the face, and kick his ass.

BP: Lame set up for an ass joke. Yawn.


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