WWE RAW Results (4/28) – Bryan Returns, IC Tourney Finals, Reigns vs Orton

#1 Contender's Tournament (Intercontinental Championship)

Finals – Bad News Barrett vs Rob Van Dam

RVD kicks Wade off the apron and he hits a standing moonsault, then he rolls him in and applies a headlock before Wade elbows him outside. Wade throws him into the commentary table and does a "B-N-B" taunt, then he rolls him in but RVD gets a quick rollup before whipping him. RVD goes for a headscissors off the turnbuckles but Wade kicks him, then we get back from a break to see Wade hit an elbow drop. Wade chokes him in the corner but RVD hits a few clotheslines, then he connects with a stepover kick before Cesaro walks out.

RVD moves towards him but Jack Swagger runs out and pulls Cesaro off the apron, then they fight near the barricade as RVD hits Rolling Thunder. He kicks Cesaro off the apron again and goes for a Five Star Frog Splash, but Wade gets his knees up and hits a Bullhammer to win. Cesaro runs back in and attacks RVD, then Swagger hits him from behind but RVD comes back with a thrust kick to Swagger, and hits Cesaro with a Five Star before leaving.

Winner – Wade Barrett

BP: Good match, but a little overbooked for my taste. Focus should be on Wade, but I knew this was going to happen this way.

Roman Reigns (w/ The Shield) vs Randy Orton (w/ Evolution) 

Everyone makes their entrance before Ric Flair comes out, talking about how the Four Horsemen ran the show, just like Evolution did. He says he is surrounded by superstars with greatness and power, but he is talking about The Shield. He endorses The Shield and puts down Evolution, and Evolution gets pissed as he woos his way out of the ring. Orton hits Reigns a few times before they fight to the floor, then Reigns headbutts him a few times and suplexes him on the floor. Orton comes back with a few strikes but Reigns hits a clothesline, then he hits a second before kicking Orton in head from the apron.

Reigns goes for a Superman punch but Batista distracts him, then they turn it into a brawl and the ref finally throws it out. Evolution takes the Shield apart one by one, sending Reigns into the steps and HHH drops Ambrose with a spinebuster on the floor. They focus on Ambrose and Reigns for a bit, then HHH sets up a Pedigree but Rollins knees him in the face and Ambrose helps him get rid of Batista and Orton. Reigns hits a spear and they set HHH up for a triple powerbomb, but Batista and Orton make the save, so Rollins dropkicks them with a chair before the Shield gets Evolution to back off.

Result – No Contest