5/1 WWE NXT Results: Adrian Neville Defends Against Brodus Clay in No DQ Match, WWE Divas in Action, Tournament Kicks Off & More

No DQ NXT Championship Match
Brodus Clay vs. Adrian Neville (c)

Brodus steals the NXT title and Neville attacks him immediately, sending him to the outside. Neville flies over the ropes and takes down his opponent. They roll back in the ring and now the bell actually rings. The champ fires away with several big kicks to the chest, and another to the jaw. He goes to the top turnbuckle early, but Brodus rolls across the ring to safety. Instead Neville hits a flying dropkick into the corner. He heads up top again, btu Clay catches him and bounces him off the second turnbuckle. 

Clay puts the champ in the tree of woe and splashes him hard. "Please don't eat him" chant from the crowd. Well done. Brodus uses his head, literally, with several massive headbutts. He hits a big splash in the middle of the ring, but somehow Neville barely gets a shoulder up under the mass of humanity on top of him. Adrian with a rake to the eyes and running dropkick to the big man's knees, followed by another to the side of the head. Both guys are down. 

A "we want tables" chant breaks out as Brodus delivers a brutal looking headbutt, followed by a sit-down powerbomb, which gets a "better than Batista" chant. Clay hits a big splash from the second rope, but again the champion kicks out. Brodus is furious that he can't win the match, and goes to the outside to grab the NXT Championship. He rolls into the ring, but Neville superkicks the title into Clay's chest. He leaps to the top turnbuckle, hits the Red Arrow and picks up the 1-2-3. 

Winner: Adrian Neville

-William Regal is going crazy, calling that "one of the greatest performances he's ever seen in his lifetime." He's way over-selling that match, to the point where it's deminishing how OK it actually was. Neville celebrates with the title to end NXT, which actually managed to go a full 58 minutes for the first time since the Network debut. 

KILLAM: A pretty solid episode of NXT tonight, as they took advantage of the full hour with some decent matches. The NXT Women's Championship tournament is off to an OK start, but I think the better matches are still yet to come. Nattie and Layla were a big disappointment, as they have, and could have put on a much better show. The other girls were surprisngly not terrible. I really like this Brodus Clay, but I doubt he goes after the NXT title after getting several matches in just a few weeks. Tyson Kidd seems like the next logical challange to the strap, which makes a lot of sense and should lead to some good matches. 


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