Cena Appearing on The View Today
WWE star John Cena will be appearing on The View this morning to promote his BodyChange fitness program.
Live Notes from Extreme Rules
Thanks to Josh Blumenfeld for sending in the following:
Was at Extreme Rules last night. Quick rundown:
Crowd was pretty into the show throughout the evening, except during the Divas match.
Biggest Pops of the Evening:
1) Paul Heyman/Cesaro – very difficult to tell if the boos or cheers were louder.
2) Daniel Bryan
3) Bray Wyatt's kid
4) The Shield
Biggest Heat:
1) Cena hands down. No one even comes close. I could not hear a single pro-Cena chant except for 8-year olds next to me.
2) Kane missing the first chair throw into the ring.
3) Batista: Boo-tista
Match of the night was definitely The Shield VS Evolution.