5/13 WWE Main Event Results: Sheamus & Cesaro Brawl, Alicia Fox Continues Her Meltdown, Sandow vs. Ziggler

-Emma is out first for the next match, and gets zero reaction from the audience. There are maybe a total of 15 people doing her dance. Alicia Fox is out next, and grabs a microphone before we get started. She tells Emma she's surprised that she showed her face for tonight's match, before throwing the mic in her face and attacking. Fox continued the attack with kicks and a flurry of rights and lefts. Emma finally gets up and the ref asks her if she can continue — she says yes, so we're going to have a match. 

Alicia Fox vs. Emma

Alicia with a hard tilt-the-whirl backbreaker, and the two fight out to the floor. Fox tosses her around, bouncing off the barricade several times and into the ring post. She is trash talking the entire time. Emma recovers and tries for a crossbody, but is caught with big boots to the face. Emma with a surprise roll-up out of nowhere, and she steals the match. 

Winner: Emma

-Alicia Fox has a fit after the match and tries to go after Emma, but she gets away. Fox yells at the referee, telling him he doesn't know how to count. The fans start booing her and she screams at them to shut up. She starts going around the ringside area, slapping the announcers and Tony Chimmel and stomping on the announce table. She starts ripping up their papers and shoving them down their mouths. 

KILLAM: More excellent development from Alicia Fox. It's really nice to see, because I've never found her to be particularly interesting. That's nothing against her as a person, or even as a wrestler, but more against creative and the officials who don't give the ladies more than five minutes to work every week. This is a fun little story, and I think "her crazy" against the "crazy" of Paige will make for a decent match at Payback, maybe? 


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