Hogan Hosting Memorial Day Party
Hulk Hogan will be hosting and appearing at an all-day Memorial Day party at his Hogan's Beach place in Tampa this Sunday.
The party begins at 12pm EST, and DJs performing include Nick Hogan, Lil Jon, DJ Knex, Gemini, Chris Craze, Baby Anne, Pedro M & Tony Puccio and Sidney Samson.
Bryan's B'Day
Today is the 33rd birthday of WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan.
Foley Says Wrestlers Need Options
In response to the reaction he has been receving to his Global Force Wrestling videos, Mick Foley has issued the following comments:
"The first part got some great feedback, and I think this one will too. As long as we live in a world where Dolph Ziggler can't get a push, there need to be options for aspiring wrestlers.
The purpose of my post. I'm not to suggest that @HeelZiggler join @GFWWrestling – just using him as an example of how subjective @WWE decisions can be. I do agree that #DolphZiggler is a terrible ring name. A couple years ago, I sent a very detailed e-mail to the powers that be with a suggestion of how he could get out of the name, and simultaneously garner some mainstream media attention…but never heard back from those in charge"