WWE RAW Results (5/26) – Evolution/Shield Contract Signing, Does Bryan Surrender The Title?

Stephanie McMahon comes out and says it's time for Daniel Bryan to surrender his title, then Bryan comes out and says she does have a point. Bryan says he regretfully informs them his neck is worse than it was thought to be, and there's no shame in returning after he heals. He calls bull on Stephanie having a lack of control of Kane, and he says Stephanie is only doing this for herself, and no one else. Bryan says he doesn't want to fight and do this over, and the fans chant YES in defiance of The Authority, and handing over the title would be throwing all his hard work in the fans' face. Bryan says if she wants the title back, he says NO, then he chants NO in her face, and Stephanie says he actually buys into this fan admiration. She says she didn't bring it up earlier, but Brie put her hands on the boss, and she can't do that so Stephanie is giving him one more chance to do the right thing. Stephanie says Bryan will give the title up at Payback, or she will make sure his wife is fired.

BP: Effective and to the point, sort of. They are dragging this out, so there's some part of you that has to think Bryan will not drop the title. I can't remember the last time they planned a segment like this for a pay-per-view, but there's always a chance it's just for a 'shocking' announcement to get Network traffic.

Alicia Fox vs Emma

Alicia slaps Emma and kicks her in the chest, then Emma throws her headfirst into the turnbuckles and applies the Dil-Emma. She follows with a Emma-mite Sandwich, then she tries to drag Alicia away from the ropes. Alicia rolls outside and says she's leaving, then Emma goes after her but Alicia drops her with a forearm. Alicia kicks her in the head on the apron, then she whips her and goes for a straight kick but Emma ducks and rolls her up for the win. Alicia flips out and slams Emma's head on the mat, then she hits a tilt-a-whirl slam before throwing Emma through the ropes onto the floor. Alicia slams the commentary table and hits the ring bell, then she assaults a ringside worker and gives him a wedgie. Alicia sprays a soda in a man's face and throws it at him, then she slaps him and smiles before walking away.

Winner – Emma

BP: This girl is batshit crazy, or as Jim Ross would say, "crazier than a pet coon".

Damien Sandow vs Adam Rose

Sandow is dressed like Davey Crockett, and he hits Rose a few times before whipping him towards the ropes. Rose catches himself in the ropes and does the 'Rose Petal' then he hits a shoulder block as Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter cut him off. Sandow tries to attack, but Rose hits a headlock driver for the win. Swagger runs in and hits Rose a few times, connecting with a clothesline before Rose rebounds with some mounted punches and throws him outside.

Winner – Adam Rose

BP: A bit of a 'meh' debut match, but Rose is catching on as far as reaction goes. Good to see the program continue with Swagger and Zeb, but having Sandow in another character was a bit off putting.