6/13 WWE Smackdown Results: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns vs. Bad News Barrett, Paige in Action & More

Sheamus vs. Cesaro 

Both of these guys qualified for Money in the Bank this week, so it makes sense to buid up some drama between them. Cesaro controls Sheamus for several minutes before they cut to a commercial break. After, Sheamus is laid out on the floor. Cesaro rolls him back into the ring and double stomps him, twice, before going to the side headlock. He backs him into the corner and starts stomping away, but Sheamus comes back with right hands. They brawl with kicks and punches and uppercuts – very physical, with Cesaro coming out with the edge. Sheamus builds back into the match and hits a series of lariats, followed by a high knee lift and a running knee into the corner. He does his Ten Beats move on the apron, then hits the Irish Curse for two. Cesaro recovers and throws some punches, but is caught with a rolling fireman's carry splash. He reverses another Irish Curse into a great roll-up, and wins it with a handful of tights. 

Winner: Cesaro

KILLAM: That was a fun little match between two guys I feel have had ten matches together in the past month. I think it's just the combination of them, RVD and Barrett since Payback, but I'm not really complaining. Money in the Bank will be a good showcase for both these guys – Cesaro needs the rub, and Sheamus needs a chance to look really good again.