6/19 WWE NXT Results: The Ascension vs. Tyson Kidd & Sami Zayn, Alexa Bliss in Action, Simon Gotch Debuts New Team & More

Kalisto vs. Tyler Breeze

Kalisto starts out with swift kicks to the legs, but Breeze takes him to the mat and locks in a side headlock right away. The crowd tries to get him back in with some "lu-cha!" chants. The hold lasts way too long; about 3 or 4 minutes, maybe? Eventually Kalisto breaks the hold and takes Breeze down with a corkscrew splash, followed by a headscissors takedown that sends him to the floor. He teases a suicide dive – Breeze moves out of the way – and Kalisto holds on the ropes, saving himself, and taunts the #1 contender from inside the ring. After a commercial break, Breeze is back in control with a front headlock this time. Out of nowhere, Kalisto is back to his feet and rolls up Tyler for a very close nearfall. Breeze back into a rest hold… A few minutes later Kalisto breaks the hold, rolls out of the ring, and kicks Breeze in the face. He comes off the top rope with a diving crossbody, and both men are down. Kalisto is tossed over the ropes, but looks like he may have tweaked his knee. Breeze hits him with the Beauty Shot off the ropes, and picks up the pinfall. 

Winner: Tyler Breeze

KILLAM: Well…that match was about 85% rest hold. The last few minutes were exciting enough, but man was my interest at an all-time low by the time that happened. One relatively important note – Kalisto was in singles action. Meaning, no Ricardo. Meaning, he's probably going to be pushed as a singles star going forward. 


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