WWE RAW Results (6/23) – Vickie Fired, Ziggler vs Barrett, MITB Matches Set

Rollins asks Triple H backstage to put Ambrose in the match, and HHH tells him he is being irrational and should think about this. Rollins says it's the only way to control Ambrose because Ambrose will try and interfere and screw him over anyway, so HHH should just make it happen. HHH says this is going to be on Rollins if he screws up, but Rollins says this is his to win and he knows what he is doing, so HHH adds Ambrose to the match.

Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs Bad News Barrett (c)

Dolph gets a near fall and hits a dropkick, then he hits the ropes but Wade clotheslines him outside and hits him a few times. Dolph knocks him back and goes for a Famouser, but Wade hits Winds of Change for two, then he sets up Wasteland but Dolph counters with a Zig Zag. Dolph slowly moves for a cover but Wade rolls outside as we go to a break, then we get back to see Dolph connect with several elbow drops for a near fall. Wade rolls to the apron and rams Dolph with his shoulder, then he kicks him in the stomach and sets him on the turnbuckles.

Dolph hits Wade and connects with a super facebuster for two, then he hits the ropes but Wade knocks him down and attempts a powerbomb. Dolph hits him a few times so Wade hits Wasteland for two, then he goes for a Bullhammer but Dolph sidesteps him and hits a Famouser for a close near fall. Dolph gets another near fall with a crucifix pin, then he charges Wade in the corner but gets caught with a midair Bullhammer, and Wade makes the cover.

Winner – Bad News Barrett

BP: Fantastic match with a lot of high spots and near falls. There were several times where it looked like Dolph might win, and it really could have gone either way.

Renee Young catches up with Vickie Guerrero to ask about her match, and Vickie initially snaps but apologizes and says she is nervous. She says she might not be well-liked around here, but she is tired of being the Authority's doormat and she is taking her dignity back. Randy Orton walks over and says Vickie will regret her decision last week, and he will get his title back while she is fired, and he won't miss her.


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