Complete TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results for Tonight *Spoilers*

Abyss is out next, and he calls out Bram and Magnus. A hardcore ladder match is announced between Abyss and Bram for the next set of Impact tapings and Janice will be hanging above the ring.

Six way X-Division match. Low Ki vs. Tigre Uno vs. Manik vs. Homicide vs. Crazy Steve vs. DJ Zema Ion. It was an elimination Scramble. Lots of cool Lucha spots from Tiger. It came down to Homicide vs. His student Low Ki and they had some great stuff before Ki won with the Ki Krusher. Good match.

The main event is Team 3D vs The Hardy Boyz in a TLC match. Team 3D get the win, and after the match both teams celebrated together. Bully Ray then called out The Wolves to possibly setup an angle between all three teams. This ended the show.


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