TNA Makes Ruling Regarding the TV Title, CM Punk Favorites Emma Related Tweet, Details on Hogan’s WWE Contract

Details on Hogan's WWE Contract

According to The Wrestling Observer, Hulk Hogan has a substantial guarantee in his deal with WWE, as well as high-dollar figure per dates. Hogan is also free take bookings outside of WWE, but WWE has the right to book him first on any given date.

TNA Makes Ruling Regarding the TV Title

TNA Wrestling has announced the TV Title is officially inactive, and the following has been posted over at

"The TV Title was left dormant by the Dixie Carter and MVP administrations for over a year," said storyline TNA Executive Director Kurt Angle. "Taking over as Executive Director has required me to fix issues they left behind. Championships are the reward of competition inside the ring between wrestlers striving to be the best. As of now, the TV Title is inactive. I'm looking for our roster to step up their level of competition and wrestle on a higher level for the World Heavyweight, X-Division, Knockout and World Tag Team Championships."

CM Punk Favorites Emma Related Tweet

After news of WWE Diva Emma's release from WWE hit the internet yesterday, former WWE creative writer Seth Mates posted the following Tweet, which was later favorited by CM Punk: