WWE RAW Results (7/14) – Flair Returns, Ambrose Attacked, Cena & Reigns Team Against Authority

Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

RVD monkey flips Alberto and clotheslines him out to the floor, then he goes for a springboard crossbody but Alberto pulls the apron open. RVD lands in between the apron and Alberto kicks him in the head, then he connects with a DDT in the ring and follows with an enziguiri for two. RVD comes back with a hurricanrana and some kicks, then he hits Rolling Thunder for two before kicking him and setting up a Five Star Frog Splash. Alberto knees him in the stomach on the way down, and makes him tap out to the Cross Armbreaker.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio

Nikki Bella makes her entrance but Stephanie McMahon comes out and says Nikki is all alone, because Brie abandoned her and left her to suffer. Stephanie says Nikki shouldn’t blame her because it would be easy, and she should blame her sister instead. She says this is supposed to be a tag match, but it’s not and it’s Brie’s fault.

Nikki Bella vs Alicia Fox & Cameron

Nikki goes for a quick rollup before applying a facelock, then Alicia shoves her in the corner and Cameron kicks her. Nikki comes back with a jawbreaker for two, then she whips Cameron into Alicia and hits an Alabama Slam for two. Alicia breaks it up and throws Nikki in the corner, then Cameron assists with a slam, and Alicia puts Nikki in a headlock and taunts her. She goes for a side slam but Nikki kicks off the ropes and almost rolls her up, then Nikki takes her down and follows with some elbows in the corner. Nikki heads up top and kicks her but Alicia sweeps her legs, slamming her on the mat before she hits a leg lariat / DDT like move for the win.

Winners – Alicia Fox & Cameron