Cesaro Reportedly Told to Stop Doing The Swing, Impact Wrestling Continues Its Solid Viewership Numbers

Cesaro Reportedly Told to Stop Doing The Swing

cesaroAccording to PWInsider.com, Cesaro has been told by WWE officials to stop doing The Swing altogether because of how it’s getting over with fans.

Paglino: Because getting over with the crowd is a bad thing? Is Cesaro still a heel? If so, why?

I swear sometimes the WWE creative team spends more time thinking of ways to hinder talents than promote them.

Impact Wrestling Continues Its Solid Viewership Numbers

According to TVByTheNumbers.com, Impact Wrestling continued its recent, solid viewership numbers as last Thursday’s episode from the Manhattan Center in New York City took in 1.42 million viewers.

According to F4WOnline.com, viewership was up 1.5% from last week’s show, and was the biggest audience Impact has had since this past February.


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