Dixie Carter On Spike Negotiations, Teasing Going Through A Table, Would She Ever Wrestle A Match?

Dixie CarterDixie Carter was recently a guest on the Ring Rust Radio show with Donald Wood, and spoke on a number of topics including why they are spoiling her going through a table, why or how the internet is effecting Spike negotiations, and much more.

Wood and co-host Brandon Galvin also talked to Carter about how the New York City tapings have helped TNA, how the return of the six sided ring and other changes have been positive, and much more. You can read a few excerpts from the interview below:

Dixie Carter On Spike TV Negotiations:

Every two years I go through this. This is just the first public negotiation I’ve ever had. I think social media has really changed this kind of thing. I’m used to every two years negotiating with Spike and negotiating with other networks. This time is absolutely not any different. We’re still talking with them, but there are other people, thank God, that are interested in our product. I want to grow this brand; I want to grow it domestically. I want us to be able to start having the kind of success domestically that we’re having internationally. I’m not going to stop and none of us are going to stop until we get there. I’m real excited to see and I think we’ll know sooner than later what’s going to happen.

Dixie Carter On Spoiling The “#ItHappens” Table Spot:

I think if you’ve been watching lately the show has been, in my opinion, some of the best programming that we’ve been putting out. I’m so excited about it. I’m just thrilled to see how many of these young talents that we’ve debuted in the last six, eight, nine months in such a prominent role. And at the same time we’re starting to have such amazing increases in ratings, so that makes me really proud. Tomorrow night is a big night for us. I would happen to call it must-see TV and if you haven’t tuned in in a while it would definitely be a show to catch.

Would Dixie Ever Wrestle A Match:

I said I would never be on TV and I am. I don’t think I ever said I wouldn’t take a bump, but the answer is no, though. No desire to do a match, I’m going to have to draw the line somewhere. To be honest I’ve really enjoyed the last few months. I have loved working with all of these young, new talents that I get to: Rockstar Spud and Ethan (Carter III) and Magnus before that. It’s just been a lot of fun and I finally just said, ‘You know what, you don’t care, just let go and have fun with it.’ And that’s exactly what I’ve tried to do.

Click here to listen to the entire interview with Dixie Carter, including her thoughts on working with young stars like Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud, why the table spot is important to execute correctly, and much more.


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